In the conclusion of my Book of the Month review this month, I mentioned how HP Lovecraft pioneered several ideas in his story-telling. One that really struck me was his use of Antarctica as a location for a relict alien presence on Earth. (Please note, spoilers follow.)
Antarctica was still relatively unexplored when Lovecraft was writing his stories in the 1930s. A couple of decades earlier there was the much-publicised race to the South Pole but the rest of the continent was still mysterious and unsurveyed, making it the perfect place to set a story of scientists discovering a former home of the 'Great Old Ones'.
In his story called At the Mountains of Madness, an Antarctic expedition discovers a range of almost impossibly high mountains that would rival the Himalayas in height. Beyond the mountains is a secluded plateau. On the coastal side of the mountains, some of expedition encounter ancient beings frozen in the ice. They thaw them out and then contact is lost with the explorers. The rest of the expedition arrive and discover carnage and non-human tracks leading over the mountain to the plateau.
On the plateau they discover the massive ruins of a truly ancient city. The revived aliens they are tracking have gone inside, so they follow them. There are even worse things lurking inside the city, though. And there the story ends with the usual Lovecraft approach of dire warnings not to go exploring in the mountains of madness.
The notes on this story included how devastated Lovecraft felt when his story was rejected by the magazine where he normally submitted stories. He apparently felt this rejection marked the end of his writing career. However, another friend was able to sell the story on his behalf to a new magazine called Astounding Stories.
And this is where we enter a game of connections. A later editor of Astounding Stories was John W Campbell, who wrote a story that feels inspired by Lovecraft's tale, called Who Goes There? It was published in 1938, seven years after Lovecraft wrote At the Mountains of Madness. I read Campell's story a few years ago in an anthology of science-fiction short novels.
In Who Goes There?, members of an Antarctic expedition find an alien spaceship buried and frozen in the ice. They retrieve a frozen occupant and proceed to thaw it out. However, the alien turns out to be a shape-changing being that can absorb and replicate other biological life-forms on the research base. This is a similar ability to the entities that Lovecraft calls shoggoths, one of which is implied to be lurking in the foundational depths of the ruined city.
If Campbell's story sounds familiar, it's because it formed the basis for the 1982 film directed by John Carpenter and starring Kurt Russell, called The Thing. The movie is a fairly faithful representation of the novella's story and the basic premise of an alien that absorbs other creatures and then extrudes replicas of them. The Thing is also notable for gory special effects which bring to life the horror element of Campbell's story.
But The Thing wasn't the first film based on Who Goes There? In 1951 a film called The Thing From Another World was released, based loosely on the story. I haven't seen this, but apparently there were some major divergences from the story. Firstly, it was sent in the Arctic, not the Antarctic. Secondly, the alien wasn't a shape-shifter, but a blood-drinking plant-creature that is the only survivor from a crashed flying saucer.
This version of Campbell's story seems to have influenced the Doctor Who story, The Seeds of Doom, filmed in 1976. This returns the action to Antarctica, where scientific researchers discover alien seeds buried in the ice that sprout tendrils which attack humans and turn people into plant-creatures called krynoids. In a weird coincidence I watched The Seeds of Doom a few months back as I have been working my through classic Doctor Who on the BBC iPlayer.
And the story doesn't finish with The Thing. There was a remake released in 2011, and a sequel in the form of a video game in 2002. Meanwhile, the discovery of a prehistoric pyramid in Antarctica is the opening sequence for Alien Versus Predator released in 2004. One aspect of AvP that mirrors At the Mountains of Madness is the interpretation of carved hieroglyphics to explain the history of the pyramid, which is similar to how the explorers of the ruined city learn about its history from large carved wall friezes.
So, while HP Lovecraft felt that the rejection of his story probably marked the end of his career, he had no way of knowing that he was sparking what would become a long science-fiction tradition of hostile alien beings frozen in the ice of Antarctica.