Friday, September 27, 2024

Silver plus one - celebrating with rock!

This year Cathy and I celebrated our wedding anniversary by seeing one of our favourite bands - Terrorvision - on our actual anniversary itself. It meant taking a trip to Wolverhampton but it was well worth it.

The gig was at KK's Steel Mill. It's a converted industrial building that's now a rock and metal venue and owned by a former member of metal band Judas Priest. It was a decent size, well laid out and the staff working there were absolutely lovely. 

The gig itself felt like a throwback to when we first started going to Terrorvision gigs back in the 90s (and before we were married!) Most of the setlist was from their first two albums - including My House and American TV. They also mixed in songs from their new album, We Are Not Robots, which we had received in the post last week and listened to a few times in preparation for the gig.

We Are Not Robots is Terrorvision's first album in 15 years and for me it feels like they recaptured their sound from 30 years ago. They have returned to what they do best - fast, guitar driven songs with catchy hooks in the choruses. 

As a band they have also literally grown. Three of the original members remain, but there were seven musicians on stage. Millie, who plays a lot of gigs with singer Tony Wright when he plays his own stuff, was on keyboards. They also had a trumpet player and a saxophonist who added some depth on several songs - especially on Pretend Best Friend

They did one song for the encore. It will come as no surprise to fans that they signed off with Oblivion

The merch guy said they don't know what the plans are yet for Terrorvision gigs next year, which implies their might be another tour. 2025 will mark the 30th anniversary of when Cathy and I first saw them live - at the old Newport Centre - and hopefully we can mark that anniversary by seeing them again. 

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