
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Snack of the Month - canned crisps from Yorkshire

We were sent a hamper at Christmas that included a can of Yorkshire Crisps. Last year I blogged a Snack of the Month from a Christmas hamper that lasted until September. We got round to these crisps much more quickly.

The side of the can made some bold claims, as you'd expect from a relatively fancy brand. They kept it Yorkshire, though, with the promise of "nowt artificial".

Opening the drum reminded me of the phrase I first read on boxes of breakfast cereal. "Some settling of contents may occur." About a third of the can was air.

But they filled a bowl for snacking.

Overall, there was a mild taste of tomato, basil and mozarella. I was expecting more from them. They had a lot of salt on them and the sodium really overpowered the flavourings. 

(On the plus side, the can was fully recyclable. Unlike other canned crisps like Pringles!)

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