
Monday, October 05, 2009

With a little help from Ian, freelance theology gets noticed

My web-savvy compadre, Ian, suggested I do a post on freelance theology about the lyrics to the new Robbie Williams song. So, slightly sceptically, I did. (If you haven't read it yet, check it out here.) It turns out it's the most popular post on freelance theology ever, and my stats have spiked from less than 10 visitors a day to over 100. Big news for me, on no budget and hardly any time.

As I wrote the article I thought this is the kind of thing that people I kind of know in the (Christian) media might be interested in, so I sent out an old-school style press release last week. It got picked up on the Inspire website, and on Christian Today, plus I have an interview on UCB tomorrow and Premier Radio (the big guns in UK Christian radio) have expressed an interest too.

But also the article has been picked up on at least three Robbie Williams fan sites - Pure Robbie (complete with discussion thread - scroll down), (that's a German site in case you didn't know), and an Italian fanblog (complete with translation into Italian!).

These sites have directed significant traffic to freelance theology. Over 100 from Inspire, 60 from - possibly because they only put on a link - and 43 from PureRobbie, even though the whole article was cut and pasted on there. And then a few bits and pieces from a few other odd sites that have mentioned it too.

The conclusion I've drawn is that to get freelance theology 'noticed' I have to react to very current stuff, preferably with wider application than just the small Christian circle. I guess what I really need are the questions to be asked, as that's the point of freelance theology. But I do want them to be genuine questions. What to do?

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